tow truck

Exemplary Roadside Assistance

Get quality workmanship and professional auto care

Superior towing service

Superior towing service

Let us help you get back on the road in no time. Our well-equipped staff can handle most types of vehicle towing and repairs including trucks, SUVs, and more.

24/7 emergency service available

24/7 emergency service available

Irrespective of the time of the day and the weather condition, McClaine's Towing Service LLC of Battle Creek, MI will provide 24/7 emergency towing services.

Contact an AAA-approved company

Contact an AAA-approved company

If you're in need of someone to tow your vehicle from a ditch, get in touch with us. Our skilled crew will handle your vehicle with care.

Get Phenomenal Auto Service With a Quick Turnaround Time. You Can Save Money With Our Discounts for Veterans and Active-Duty Military Members.

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